KaraokeMedia Pro X


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To install this software you must have a Karaokemedia Premium Pro account.

Access your Premium Pro account on the KaraokeMedia website.

To do so, click on Premium account in your account, and download the latest version in the Software section.

Figure 1.a Premium Account

Figure1.b Web download link

A file called KaraokeMedia_Pro_X_version.exe will be downloaded, you can find it in the download folder or in the folder where you have saved your downloads by default.

Run the file by double-clicking to start the installation.

You will have to follow the next steps of the wizard, where the installation program analyses your configuration and selects everything that needs to be installed for the correct functioning of the program:

  • Select the desired language for the installation of KaraokeMedia PRO X (Figure 2)..
Figure 2. Language selection
  • Aceptar el acuerdo de licencia y pulsar sobre siguiente (Figura 3).
Figura 3. Acuerdo de licencia

Hacer clic en Instalar (Figura 4). Se mostrara una barra de progreso. Al finalizar se mostrará un mensaje de completado (Figura 5).

Figura 4. Instalar
Figura 5. Completado

Si ejecutas KaraokeMedia Pro X te saldrá una pantalla como la de la siguiente figura para introducir los datos de su licencia y comenzar a utilizarlo, pero antes de entrar sigue con el apartado primeros pasos.

Figura 7. Pantalla de login

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